SPECULATIVE FABULATION - Future Perspectives: How to act for the future in the present?
This C5 lecture series on future perspectives will explore this speculative fabulating dimension, aiming to understand how architecture, urbanism, and landscape design can engage the human and more-than-human in cultural sustainable practices through its program, material and aesthetic forms. Focussing on dealing with given conditions, an approach Haraway describes as "staying with the trouble," which involves telling different stories while remaining faithful to and aware of the situation we are in, and contemplating alternative futures. What binds the lectures in this fall C5 series together is their aim to highlight new methods that link design with ecological ethics and real-life implementation, fostering a deeper understanding of material and sustainable practices in architecture urbanism and landscape design. This involves exploring how design strategies can trigger radical behavioural changes toward alternative futures.
With lectures by: Henk van Houtum, Patricia Pisters, Roemer van Toorn, Klaas Kuitenbrouwer, Klaske Havik, Kevin Logan, Hanna Prinssen, Hedwig van der Linde, Moojin Park, Bertram de Rooij, Jeroen Wiersma, Francesca Rizzetto.
Curator and coordinator of the C5 lecture series for the 3de years Ma student at the Academy of Architecture Amsterdam /2024